Health Canal

Health Canal

4 Reviews
4 Reviews
Rating (2.3)
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3 Star
4 Star
5 Star


Is Health Canal legit?

Health Canal has 4 reviews on, with an average rating of 2.3 out of 5. This indicates that most consumers are dissatisfied with their business interactions and dealing. Therefore, caution is advised when considering purchases or engagements with the business.

How to reach Health Canal customer care?

You can contact Health Canal customer care via email at [email protected] or by calling them at 812 721 4486

Where is Health Canal located?

Health Canal is located at address 4306 Parkway Centre Drive, Grove City, OH, USA.

4 Reviews on Health Canal

  1. Urban Farmstress
    5 rating

    I highly recommend this site to anyone looking for up-to-date medical news

    Jan 21, 2023

    I highly recommend this site to anyone looking for up-to-date medical news. The information is reliable and well-researched, providing a thorough understanding of current health topics. The user interface is easy to navigate, and the articles are well-written—a must-have resource for healthcare professionals and laypeople.

  2. Judith Rodda
    1 rating

    I will not recommend this website to anyone.

    Dec 28, 2022

    HealthCanal is an unreliable website and does not have any customer service. I have bought several products from them, and none of them have been satisfactory. In addition, it seems that they are simply trying to make money from affiliate commissions without actually being concerned about the quality of the products they are promoting. I will not recommend this website to anyone.

  3. Lauren Montoya
    2 rating

    I will not be using this website again.

    Dec 27, 2022

    I recently bought a product promoted by HealthCanal, and I'm incredibly disappointed. The product was overpriced and of poor quality. Furthermore, they appear to be simply promoting the product to make money off of affiliate commissions and not because they genuinely believe in it. I will not be using this website again.

  4. Thomas Sorenson
    1 rating

    I found HealthCanal to be a total waste of my time and money

    Dec 26, 2022

    I found HealthCanal to be a total waste of my time and money. They are constantly pushing products they are getting affiliate commissions from and don't seem to care whether the product is good. I returned the product I bought from them and will not be using it again."

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About Health Canal

Health News from covers the latest health information for people's health promotion, as well as safeguarding populations from threats from a global view. Health News from has taken on the task of preserving anding health for communities through educthroughion, promo, promotion, research, and research intention.

812 721 4486
4306 Parkway Centre Drive, Grove City, OH, USA