Is US Legal Forms legit?
US Legal Forms has 21 reviews on 99consumer.com, with an average rating of 3.3 out of 5. This indicates that most consumers are satisfied with their business interactions and dealing. Therefore, feel free considering purchases or engagements with the business.
How to reach US Legal Forms customer care?
You can contact US Legal Forms customer care via email at [email protected] or by calling them at 877-389-0141
Where is US Legal Forms located?
US Legal Forms is located at address 3720 Flowood Drive, Flowood, MS 39232, United States.
Absolutely Unethical Organization
The internet internet site modified into difficult and I felt that It mispresented what a month subscription expenses. It shows signing up, 8 bucks month-to-month, then down load the object you need, then cancel the subscription. It modified into like a bate and switch. Absolutely unethical organization that is into tricking unsuspecting clients and perplexing them to hit on fee options that are intentionally misleading and misleading. Found out that the monthly subscription have become genuinely forty dollars.
Buyer Beware!!
Complete bait and switch. It said $eight in line with monthly subscription and then it charged me an annual subscription of $ninety six for 12 months. Looked for a way to cancel it inside minutes after which went down a rabbit hole of questions and when I cancelled it it said that my membership might run through 2025 for the whole quantity.
After doing some studies on-line and locating a customer support range a person without a doubt spoke back the cellphone and said they couldn’t refund the cash due to the fact I had (by chance) downloaded a record in order that they might need to fee me at the least the $39 monthly rate. Reporting them to BBB and my credit score card agency. Absolutely unethical corporation this is into tricking unsuspecting clients and perplexing them to hit on charge options which can be intentionally misleading and misleading.
Scammy US Legal Forms
I had a disappointing experience with The US Legal Forms. Their advertisement states $12 per month, but it doesn't clarify that a full year's subscription is required for this pricing. I only needed one form, and I found out from their FAQ that I had to subscribe to their services and then cancel after downloading the form. What they didn't mention is that the cancellation isn't retroactive. So, even if you cancel after using just one state, you'll still pay for the 12-month subscription. On top of that, the form I downloaded wasn't of good quality. I'm pretty disappointed with The US Legal Forms.
Poor service
The website is awful, with poor service. From the moment I ordered it, I requested an exchange. Didn't get it.
Print beautifully
The forms are easy to access and easy to fill out. The papers print beautifully and look professional like an attorney made them up, but at a lower cost.
This is a complete waste of time
The worst hospital I've ever been to. I was placed on an unoccupied bed at the end of a hallway, and other patients surrounded me. The doctor requested tests were not needed for the appointment. Therefore I opted not to take the tests. After about an hour, the doctor showed up and told me that the labs had returned and would write me a prescription. After that, a woman arrives to collect further tests. I told you that you don't understand what's happening here. I've already done that. I would like never to do it again. This is a complete waste of time. It is a shame they don't offer a lower price for a bed within the corridor.
Completely printable
US Legal Forms is our top online resource for downloading legal forms. They are completely printable with thorough explanations and guidelines. It's not like walking step-by-step through a questionnaire online only to discover that the document you received isn't complete and doesn't satisfy our requirements after having paid for the form. US Legal is the best.
I highly recommend US Legal
US Legal Forms has provided me with a wide selection of top-quality legal documents to protect my business. The yearly cost may be a bit of a distraction at first, but the convenience of having year-long access to these valuable documents is well worth it. The staff at US Legal Forms is also excellent, with great communication and quick response times. As a certified paralegal, I highly recommend US Legal Forms for anyone in need of legal documents.
Buyer beware
Purchased just 5 minutes ago. The document I was shown on their website is not the document I can download from their catalog... This is giving me a severe feeling of buyer regret... They responded to my phone in case I needed help, but that's the only positive thing I can offer now. It is only possible to be an adamant "buyer beware" at this writing until I get my document that is simple to download.
A great convenience
A great convenience, but it's a little misleading. The monthly cost is $8 per month. However, when I made my payment, I got charged $96. I didn't expect that, and frankly wouldn't have bought had I known that the price was due for a whole year upfront. I'm only planning to use it once. In the Q&A, the question is, "What if I use this one time" the answer is that it's significantly cheaper than the monthly subscription and that the user can decide to cancel at any time. Then, I was billed for the entire year in advance, so I cannot cancel it at any time...
Fantastic and I love it!
I've used this service since I began renting my house in 2008. I'm not regretting it, and I'm glad they've remained in business. I trust their documentation for its accuracy to current standards in the language. Fantastic, and I love it!
It was a horrible experience!
It was a horrible experience! I completed my last will, POA, and a Living Will using these forms. I returned them as instructed and received an email stating they were being reviewed and approved with the help of the business. After a month, I still was not notified of any further developments, and I contacted them via the contact number to seek assistance. I received an email from them asking me to answer a few questions, which I answered. The following email I received confirms that the matter has been closed. After $128, I still have no information. I would not recommend this business at all! I have worked hard to earn my money, and it did not cause any problems for them to take the money from me and offer me nothing back!
US Legal was easy to use
US Legal was easy to use, did what it claimed to accomplish, and provided me with a legal form. I did not experience any processes resulting in extra charges, and the arrangements are specifically designed for the state where I reside. I couldn't be happier.
Excellent work by the team.
Okay, so the annual cost can initially be a distraction since you expect to pay $9 per month to access your incredible contracts. It's not! When I was charged, it overdraft the bank accounts of my clients and cost me an additional 35 dollars. I'd recommend making a monthly payment of $15 and making it accessible to your client. I would have happily paid... However, having access to these critical documents for a year is gorgeous and fabulous. I will not regret the cost of the annual ticket—excellent work by the team.
The program was easy to use and explained easily
The program was easy to use and explained quickly. I was confused about what to do and where to find the required forms so desperately. I was planning for a long and tiring, but USL is my lifesaver when I am in a time of limited transportation.
I have always received great legal documents through USlegal.
I have always received critical legal documents through USlegal. Their Legal document boilerplates were right on. I completed the form within two seconds (really! ). All I needed to do was add my signature and the date of electronic signature (and you can do this with every PDF editing program). The communication with their staff is fantastic, and the customer service responds to my messages almost instantly.
Be cautious with this company!
I signed up for a month, and they changed it to 180.00 dollars over a year. I contacted customer service, but they didn't wish to give me a refund. The subscription I selected was 15.09 dollars per month! Be cautious with this company!
I am impressed
I am impressed that an online site exists in Mississippi, even though your competitors are located in cities such as San Francisco. There's a good chance that you're not WOKE and consequently are concerned about your clients. This alone was enough to convince me to choose.
US Legal Forms is a game-changer.
US Legal Forms is a game-changer. For a low fee, I expedited transactions and provided documentation and information for my business. Thanks, US Legal Forms!
This website is so helpful
This website is handy. It is straightforward to use. It is easy to use the search engine, even though I am not sure what the name of my form is.
This is a great site! It is annoying that I have to choose it each time I search. It would be great to set my state as the default for searches.
US Legal Forms are so helpful for me
I am a paralegal certified in Houston, Texas. This is for a small firm that has two lawyers. This firm has been my home for 12 years. Because it's so useful for me, I pay the annual US Legal Forms fee myself. Although my boss offered to pay for it, I used it for personal reasons, so I spent. It contains every form you might need, and it is available in any state.
I print the forms for a specific subject and let my boss circle them. Then I save it to my computer and open MS Word to create it. It is easy to change the font size and point size, add block copy to letterhead and create borders on my documents. I love it!