Menesini Petroleum Oil

Menesini Petroleum Oil

5 Reviews
5 Reviews

Menesini Petroleum Oil

Rating (3.4)
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Is Menesini Petroleum Oil legit?

Menesini Petroleum Oil has 5 reviews on, with an average rating of 3.4 out of 5. This indicates that most consumers are satisfied with their business interactions and dealing. Therefore, feel free considering purchases or engagements with the business.

How to reach Menesini Petroleum Oil customer care?

You can contact Menesini Petroleum Oil customer care via email at [email protected] or by calling them at 775 463 2076

Where is Menesini Petroleum Oil located?

Menesini Petroleum Oil is located at address 27 Bulk Plant Rd, Yerington, NV 89447, United States.

5 Reviews on Menesini Petroleum Oil

  1. Wiley Post
    1 rating

    Bad Company

    Jan 27, 2024

    This is not a good business, refusing to assist disabled veterans, no matter reason. They're smug and don't have any understanding of managing their services or customer support. Customer service is an affront with only a little understanding. Heaven assist yourself if you are angry with them. They tend to think the worst of you and even call the police when they're in the wrong. The rating is good, they shouldn't be looking more concerned about negatives

  2. Crypto Chuck
    5 rating

    Customer service is top-notch

    Jan 19, 2023

    I am from another state and using alternative energy as a utility; I'm still in the shock of receiving a bill for the propane each month is due. I changed into Jim Menesini Petroleum after being gassed by my former propane provider. The price of propane is lower when you use Jim Menesini. Customer service is top-notch, and the company is local, meaning it is located in the same area as Oasis and Fallon. They also are "Johnny on the spot," and I've never run out of fuel.

  3. Jerram Dawes
    1 rating

    For many years Menisini was my primary oil service provider

    Sep 30, 2022

    For many years Menisini was my primary oil service provider. Big as or little, they'd show up. If times were hard on his father, he'd buy his and other clients' loans; everyday business dealings and residential were bread and butter. The company appears to make good profits, and residential customers are no longer significant or considered worthwhile. In the wake of a communication break and a misunderstanding, I was told: "...a 200 gallon per year customer was not a huge loss for me(Menisini )...". If you're a petite guy, keep that in mind the next time you require heating oil. There are many other suppliers.

  4. Tim Castell
    5 rating

    These individuals are amazing

    Jul 28, 2022

    These individuals are unique. Every person I've dealt with at home has given me excellent service.

    The field technician for propane, the office staff, and the owner are all pleasant, well-informed, prompt, and efficient.

    I wish that more businesses were as attentive and efficient.

  5. Captpatrick
    5 rating

    Quick and straightforward

    Jun 18, 2022

    I needed the propane fill-up on my 42 Ft. Class Diesel Pusher. They did an oil fill.

    There was no issue. It was on a typical day when they were at Hawthorne, which made it quick and straightforward.

    I will likely purchase an additional tank through this company to meet future propane requirements.

    Filling up the tank in my motorhome isn't simple.

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About Menesini Petroleum Oil

Jim Menesini Petroleum was created in Yerington, NV, when Jim purchased his father's fuel business in 2014. Since then, Jim has expanded the delivery service and added a propane-related company. He also has a new office in Fallon and provides outstanding service to both locations.

775 463 2076
27 Bulk Plant Rd, Yerington, NV 89447, United States